The Dallas Plumbing Company history is one of 114 years serving the plumbing, air conditioning and heating needs for those who live in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area.
114 years as family business
They are happy to continue to be considered among a small handful of companies that are celebrating 114 years as a family business. Their long as well as successful history is highlighted by the fact that this company is now under family management of the 3rd and 4th generations of family ownership. This company continues doing business in the tradition of old-fashioned and great customer service and quality workmanship handed down to them.
Began in 1903
It started in 1903. That was the very same year in North Carolina the Wright Brothers flew the first plane as well as the Ford Motor Company was incorporated with Henry Ford at the head as Vice President and Chief Engineer.
Serving needs from horse-drawn wagon
That was the year when Dallas Plumbing Company was started and soon after Ward Downs started serving the needs for good plumbing needs of the customers of Dallas from his horse-drawn wagon. As the city grew, so did all the various opportunities for Dallas Plumbing Company.
Survived and thrived
From the very beginning, Dallas Plumbing Company has endured and unrelenting to thrive as the oldest plumbing company in this area, and spanning four generations of family ownership in 2 millennia. This company has aided new construction with some of the very best new homes builders in Texas. Starting in 1934, Dallas was picked as the host city for the Texas Centennial Exposition, which celebrated Texas’ independence from the country of Mexico. With a work constrain of more than 8000 specialists, Dallas Plumbing constructed what is currently the country’s biggest accumulation of Art Deco structures and is now a National Historic Landmark.
Landmark homes
In Highland Park and the Park Cities, the organization started pipes and warming in a significant number of these urban areas’ inventive homes, serving these two communities from the Dallas Plumbing Company location on McKinney Avenue. Another momentous landmark is the “Highland Park Village” area, was a Dallas Plumbing Company project in 1931. This Spanish flair center stays as a visitor shopping area in the very heart of Highland Park. Here is where the Dallas Plumbing Company still is located to serve most of the homes where families still live in the original homes.
Additionally, Dallas Plumbing continues to do remodeling, renovation and new construction in the Park Cities.